Nick Koutsoukis



After neglecting to keep my web site current for many years I'm starting to put it back together again. No frills - just a bare-bones version containing some tunes I recorded over the years. None of these recordings are less than 10 years old and some go back even as far as 1991 (25 years!).

People have been asking me "Where can I hear some of your stuff," so even though this is not the best representation of what I do, it is what I have available now. I'll be digging through the cob webs for more tapes in short order so check back now and then if you'd like.

As of 2020, I have retired from my day job but then the pandemic hit so I still haven't updated this site. Maybe soon though.

Please drop me an email at the link below if you would like. I'm very open to new ideas or critiques about anything and everything, so fire away!


- Nick

email: Email Me: NickKoutsoukis